Nothing is permanent in this wicked world – not even our troubles. ~ Charlie Chaplin

The good news: Luka’s recovery is going very well.


The bad news: Luka’s recovery is going very well and he’s getting quite bouncy. Yesterday he tried to jump up on the chair to watch the garbage men steal our stuff. This morning he reared up on his hind legs (something he does when he’s really excited) and later he chased Milo (who ran like hell from the cone-head coming after him).

He saw his regular vet on Thursday and his incision looks “really, really good”. His stitches come out next Saturday (October 1). Until then, he’s on a bland diet (chicken and rice…he loves this) and is restricted from all activity (he does not like this).

I took Sadie along to the vet to have some recent issues checked out. Now I know why she’s looked sad for the past few days: she has an ulcer on one of her eyes (ointment three times a day), allergies are what was making her chew her feet (Benadryl three times a day) and her anal glands were so full they were nearly abscessed (1/2 cup pumpkin once a day). She is much happier now.


Milo continues to hang out with his buddy.

Milo and Luka

Milo and Luka

The quality of this last picture isn’t great, but I think it’s really sweet. They were sitting there dozing together while I watched TV.


7 responses

  1. I’m glad everybody feels better. Your pets really love each other. What kind of pumpking helps with anal glands??? Denny popped his today, ugh.

    1. Canned pumpkin is high in fiber which *ahem* makes things move better and evidently the anal glands don’t get as backed up.

      Sadie has had hers expressed about once a year, but this is the first time they were nearly abscessed.

  2. heheh that last picture makes me giggle!
    I’m glad your cone head is doing much better! Sounds like he’s bouncing back hehhe
    Poor Sadie girl, glad she’s feeling better too. Can I ask how long you had to give Sadie Benadryl for? Boss has been chewing his leg now for the last few weeks and there’s nothing noticeably there so I’m thinking its allergies. Molly has them so why not Boss too *sigh*

    1. Sadie is on the Benadryl until we have our first hard freeze. I can’t believe how well it’s working! Sadie was literally chewing her feet (she even ripped some of a paw pad off) and now she’s not chewing them at all (only three days after starting the Benadryl). It’s amazing.

  3. Silly Luka! You need to finish getting well before you get too frisky!

    Glad y’all are feeling better!

    1. As today has gone on he’s gotten more bouncy. I’m not sure how either of us will survive until Saturday.

  4. So happy to hear everyone is on the mend and doing well. We’re wishing you all good vibes and quick healing time so you’re able to get back out there and enjoy what you love most!

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